Busy getting ready for your confinement? Don't worry, here we are:❤️LOVE MUM Confinement Center❤️.
Choose us and let us help you out with this. Let us take care of you and your newborn baby 🤱throughout your confinement period.🤩 "Everyone can stay in now."
Jangan bimbang, Pilih “LOVE MUM Confinement Center” dan biarkan kami membantu anda dalam hal ini. Biarkan kami👩⚕️menjaga anda dan bayi anda yang baru lahir sepanjang tempoh berpantang.
Attractive promotion for every successful booking sign up for month Dec-2020 until Apr-2021. 🎉🎄 || Promosi menarik untuk setiap pendaftaran tempahan yang berjaya untuk bulan Disember-2020 hingga Apr-2021. 🎉🎄
contact us at +60102068132, or WhatsApp chat with us.